Precio del sistema de purificador de agua de ósmosis inversa compacto grande
Purificación del agua

Purificación del agua



La desalinización es la eliminación de las sales disueltas del agua.La desalinización puede tener lugar a través del proceso de ósmosis inversa (RO) o destilación.En la mayoría de las aplicaciones, la ósmosis inversa es la forma más práctica de desalinizar el agua.


La ósmosis inversa consigue la separación de sales disueltas e impurezas de una solución acuosa mediante la presión ejercida sobre una membrana semipermeable.Las sales no pueden atravesar la membrana y se recogen en forma concentrada.El agua tratada se conoce como permeado y el proceso se puede repetir una o más veces para concentrar aún más la salmuera y reducir el porcentaje de agua concentrada rechazada.


La desalinización por ósmosis inversa es el método tecnológicamente más avanzado para purificar el agua de una variedad de fuentes que incluyen mar, río, red, pozo, artesiano o superficie.Los sistemas de ósmosis inversa industrial QDEVU garantizan los niveles más altos de ganancia de productividad, longevidad del equipo y recuperación de agua mejorada.


Aplicación del sistema RO integrado QDEVU:

Purificación de agua potable

Agua de proceso de la planta de energía

Abastecimiento de agua para centros turísticos marinos

Otros Fines Industriales



Los equipos internos de ingeniería y fabricación de QDEVU ofrecen un alto nivel de calidad, seguridad y confiabilidad.

Si tiene requisitos específicos,Contáctenospara hablar sobre nuestros sistemas de ósmosis inversa industriales y plantas de desalinización diseñados a medida.

Sistema integrado de desalinización por ósmosis inversa de agua de mar QDEVU®

The advanced osmosis desalination system is equipped with state-of-the-art auxiliary equipment, making it suitable for treating seawater with a pH range of 6-9. We offer comprehensive solutions that effectively address water-related issues, ensuring the smooth progress of your project and the quality of the water. It is versatile and can be used for desalinating seawater or brackish water in various applications, including inland areas.


Sistema de desalinización por ósmosis inversa de agua de mar en contenedores QDEVU®

Our containerized sea water reverse osmosis desalination system is a game-changer in the water purification industry, offering a cost-effective solution to water scarcity. Our system utilizes multiple purification steps to provide you with the cleanest water possible, with minimal residual substances left behind. Say goodbye to water scarcity and hello to a reliable and sustainable water source with our innovative desalination system.


Dispositivo móvil de desalinización de agua de mar de pequeño tamaño QDEVU®

Our QDEVU® mobile desalination device is the perfect solution for those who need fresh water on the go. With a capacity of 0.2 to 20 m³ of water per hour from seawater, it is capable of producing high-quality water wherever you need it. Its sturdy and compact design makes it easy to carry and transport to any location. We use only high-quality components that are resistant to salty or chemical liquids, ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance.


Planta de desalinización de agua de mar QDEVU® para consumo marino/barco/barco/buque/yate

The QDEVU® desalination plant is specifically designed to provide clean drinking water for marine or yacht use. Through accurate treatment, it effectively removes salt from seawater, with a salting prevention rate of up to 98%. The resulting water is clean and safe for daily consumption. Our plant is designed for efficient and stable operation, ensuring continuous and safe usage.


Sistema integrado de desalinización de agua salobre por ósmosis inversa QDEVU®

The reverse osmosis desalination system is the result of years of research and development by our professional team. It is an advanced and integrated equipment that automatically removes salt from seawater, providing drinking water with over 98% purity. This sustainable and eco-friendly solution promotes a recycled lifestyle and minimizes resource use while achieving excellent results.


Sistema de desalinización por ósmosis inversa de agua salobre en contenedores QDEVU®

QDEVU® osmosis desalination system is designed to handle up to 10,000 mg/L of dissolved solids and 30 mg/L of suspended solids, providing clean and portable water. Housed in a sturdy container, our system is equipped with multiple functions to meet all of your water treatment needs. Whether you require a high-capacity system for commercial use or a smaller system for personal use, our QDEVU® osmosis desalination system is the perfect solution.


Purificador de agua para suministro de agua de emergencia QDEVU®

The QDEVU® water purifier is designed to be small and portable, making it easy to use in any location. It is capable of producing up to 50L of clean water per hour, making it ideal for use in areas with high levels of bacteria or chemical substances. Our water purifier is NSF certified, ensuring that it is safe and effective at producing clean drinking water.


Sistema de ósmosis inversa de agua desmineralizada QDEVU® para agua ultrapura industrial

Our reverse osmosis system is designed specifically for industrial use, providing ultrapure water for a variety of applications. Our system can achieve a purity level of 0.1 mg/L, thanks to our high-end, environmentally friendly water purification technology - electrodeionization. Our system is designed to be safe and reliable, with automatic controls that ensure the system shuts down when water levels are low.


Sistema de ultrafiltración de agua integrado QDEVU®

Our ultrafiltration system is designed to transform turbid water into clean drinking water, without any risk to your health. It is easy to use and control, with the ability to adjust the water flow to meet your basic needs. If you require more accurate data, we offer OEM and ODM services to customize the system to your specific water demands.


Sistema de ultrafiltración en contenedores QDEVU®

Our containerized ultrafiltration system is designed to provide clean drinking water that meets all standards. With CE certification, you can trust that our system is made with high-quality materials and is easy to obtain. Our system is designed for stable and continuous operation, ensuring that it can meet all of your water purification needs.


Filtro multimedia QDEVU® Arena de cuarzo/carbón activado/arena de manganeso

The multimedia filter equipment is designed to effectively filter out sand and other particles, while our activated carbon filter efficiently absorbs other substances to produce clean drinking water. Our equipment is made with top-quality materials and advanced technology, ensuring that it is reliable and effective. We offer a range of equipment options to suit your specific needs, whether you require a high-capacity system for commercial use or a smaller system for personal use.


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